At the time you read this article, perhaps using the Internet radio is the only fair-fair for most of Indonesia.
You will be quite surprised to see that this will push off the back once with the fact abroad.
Not many countries in the world who are able to implement large-scale wireless Internet such as in Indonesia with the speed of approximately 2000 new node every month in 2005.
All of this is the result of a long process of educating many colleagues in Indonesia are able to create the infrastructure for Internet & telekomunikasinya without much government assistance, without any debt to the World Bank or IMF.
Be pursued even more chase each apparatus, the police and take on the equipment because it was originally before the date of 5 January 2005, most of the Wireless Internet users in Indonesia steal the frequency and use without permission from the government at all.
Combatants of the Wireless Internet, especially in the workshop organisir by Michael Sunggiardi & colleagues in the 2000's.
Michael Sunggiardi and Onno W. Purbo around more than 30 cities within a few months with many sponsored by vendors such as Corexindo, Compex, Planet, etc..
Colleagues APJII under Heru Nugroho was also quite active, with borrowing facilities in the PT IDC under Miss Aie and Johar Alam, workshop, wireless and VoIP workshop conducted.
The process is done in many ways, be it seminars, workshops, demos, as well as writing articles, book and save various files in a variety of useful sites on the Internet so that people can pick it up free of charge, for instance: boosted by Michael Sunggiardi, boosted by Rahmat Samik Ibrahim (UI), boosted by IDRC.
With the spread of knowledge to many people in Indonesia, slowly but surely the masses of Internet users Wireless to become developed, although we all know that we do not have permission to use the 2.4GHz frequency.
Finally at the end of the year 2000, Director General of Post and Telecommunications issued a decision no 241/2000, about the use of the frequency band 2400-2483.5 MHz between Wireless LAN Internet access for users outside the building and in the Microwave Link signed by the Director General POSTEL Djamhari Sirat, that appears to have been in the draft from the previous Director General of POSTEL Sasmito Dirjo.
Decision on the Director General of POSTEL 241/2000, in February 2001, the Central Monitoring frequency radio in various cities began to make sweeping protester against the combatant Internet & Indonesia.
Also fell victim, some colleagues have to allow tool in its seizure by individual Central Monitoring & Police. Indeed, the struggle will be a victim who does not eat a little for the perpetrators.
Finally, on 2 March 2001, Onno W. Purbo post a letter to the Director General of POSTEL to withdraw from that place and will not set foot to the POSTEL office during friends still in its sweeping and regulatory affairs at 2.4GHz does not stand people of Indonesia.
A copy of a letter Onno W. Purbo POSTEL to the Director General on 2 March 2001 attached attached.
As of the date of 18 August 2005 Onno W. Purbo fulfill his promise & not set foot in the office POSTEL, although the date of 5 January 2005 Onno W. Purbo legs can be set to finally POSTEL because people of Indonesia haven't been free to use the 2.4GHz frequency based KEPMENHUB No. 2/2005 on the sign by Hatta Rajasa.
On 10 November 2001 the Association of the Wireless Internet users, which is known as the INDOWLI, in the form of seminars in the event the implementation of seminars & workshops wireless data network for information technology network in Indonesia with a sub-topic of infrastructure framework forming community-based information technology in Indonesia in Malang, with leading by a colleague, M. Shalahuddin, who is known more as a stimulus of up Didin Lendy Widayana at that time, gather a lot of colleagues, including Agus Sutandar, Michael Sunggiardi, Barata, Didin, Yohanes Sumaryo and more, agreed to form a shadow organization for the wireless Internet users in indonesia.
The first INDOWLI Chairman is Barata, then the day doing a lot of lobbying to the regulations in this POSTEL to try and free up the frequency of 2.4GHz.
The struggle continues, the discussion mailing list to be the electronic battlefield and coordination while disseminate knowledge so that all colleagues can learn with each other.
Mailing list of the most dominant in the process of struggle Wireless Internet in Indonesia is
In 2002, the increase going back to the sweeping apparatus colleagues user 2.4GHz, VoIP etc..
INDOWLI to fly its protest letter dated May 8 of 2002 signed by John Barata Wardana and Sumaryo.
Finally, on 14 June 2002, Onno W. Purbo fly love letter to the leaders of this country & would not respond because of the Onno W. Purbo only normal people are, so that sound does not need to look at.
A copy of the letter and the letter from INDOWLI Onno W. Purbo to the leaders of this country attached.
On 30 December 2003 the Director General POSTEL again to make war with the nerve fiber showing ads / advetorial in the Kompas Media, entitled "Utilization of Radio Frequency band 2.4GHz necessity for the Internet".
Advetorial Basically POSTEL argued that the policy on the people side POSTEL Indonesia.
Onno W. Purbo hit the ceiling and writing articles on the protest that the media publish in Indonesia.
Progenitor refutal article entitled "POSTEL be back, your raport is bloody red !" publish in the national media by a few months in January 2004.
The process of manuscript regulations / exemption rules 2.4GHz quite a lot. Long debate during the year 2004 occurred in the mailing list-regulation, INDOWLI-formatur@yahoogroupscom, and, the detail of script rules, the decision to minister freedom 2.4GHz.
Some of the workshops and open discussions on the event title as the interaction between the regulator and the perpetrators of the field.
Colleagues in the pimpin APJII by Heru Nugroho and colleagues such as INDOWLI Barata and fasilitatif Didin is in the process of interaction between the regulator and the field.
Pressure becomes very large after the 2004 elections, primarily because of public pressure to evaluate the performance of the cabinet during the initial 100 days in power.
At the beginning of the Cabinet of Election 2004, POSTEL still under the auspices of the Ministry of Transportation Hatta Rajasa under his commander seems clever enough to see the needs of local telecommunications and Internet in Indonesia.
Hatta Rajasa POSTEL seems forced to complete the draft decision to the Minister.
Finally, on 5 January 2005, the Minister signed Decree No. 2/2005 on the 2.4GHz Wireless Internet by Hatta Rajasa.
KEPMEN 2/2005, in principle, permit free use of the frequency of 2.4GHz with the requirement, among others; (1) scattered 100mW maximum power, (2) EIRP maximum 36dBm, (3) all equipment that has been used in the certification.
They all struggle, is a part of the process of making this nation better, there is no struggle that does not bring the victims, the victims in at least the perpetrators.
Much of the material occurs, colleagues and even sacrifice some of the soul because of the drop tower at the time of installing the equipment.
We often do not realize that Indonesia is the largest nation in the world that has developed wireless Internet in bulk.
Other nations, especially developing countries in Africa & Asia many of the nation learn from Indonesia.
Although in 2006, the nation has enjoyed little freedom in using the 2.4GHz frequency. Still much work to be in the house worked on, especially,free frequency 5-5.8GHz, free Internet Phone, and many more.
Hopefully with the free Internet in Indonesia, the nation can stand out of its brain power not just muscle its course. In Cool Language is to see "Knowledge Based Society in Indonesia".
At least the history of this snippet can provide shade for the nation of Indonesia, that what they earn is the result of the weary toil of the preceding.
Hopefully not in the end wasted & make this nation into a great nation.
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