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Wisata SEO Sadau : About Tarakan

Tarakan is a city in East Kalimantan province of Indonesia, with geographical coordinates are; Latitude 3°18' and Longitude 117°38'E.

Picture taken with the use of Google Earth version 5.0

Located on the island with the same name, Tarakan Island, east of the coast of Borneo, the city comprises 250.80 km² with the total population of 169,951 as of 2006.
Location and strategic position has been able to make the district as one of the Tarakan center industry in the area of northern East Kalimantan, so the Government need to improve the status to be in accordance with City Administrative Regulations Government No.47 Year 1981.

Anniversary and History of Tarakan

Tarakan according to folklore comes from the language tidung "continence" (meet) and "Ngakan" (eat), which literally can mean "place of rest for the fishermen to eat, meet and make a barter of the catch with the other fishermen.

In addition Tarakan is also a meeting place, Kayan River estuary flow, and Sesayap Malinau.

Quietness of the local community was quite upset when in the year 1896, a Dutch oil company, BPM (Bataavishe Petroleum Maatchapij) find the source of oil on the island. Many workers are mainly from the island of Java along with the increased drilling activity.

Giving the function and development of this region, in 1923 the Dutch government felt it necessary to place a Resident Assistant on the island who supervise five (5) regions namely; Selor Tanjung, Tarakan, Malinau, Apau Kayan and Berau.

Bunker survival time of colonization

However, in the post-independence period, the Government felt it necessary to change the status of RI kewedanan District Tarakan Tarakan be in accordance with Keppress RI No.22 Year 1963.

City Administrative enhanced return based on the City Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.29, 1997 is made by the Minister of Home Affairs on 15 December, 1997, mark that date and the Anniversary of Tarakan.

Natural resources of Tarakan

Here is a list of the wealth of natural resources Tarakan Islandsearch

1. Oil and Gas:
- Oil Reserves: 451.177 Million Barrel Oil (MMBO)
- Gas Reserves: 119.2 billion cubic Footwashing Gas (BCFG)
- Oil Production: 2100 Barrel Oil Per Day (BOPD)
- Natural Gas Production: 24 cubic Footwashing Per Day (MMSCFD)

2. Coal:
- Coal Reserves and turf: 5 billion tons (Kaltim), 100 Million Ton (Tarakan)
- Calorie ranges between 4500 - 5000 kal
- Equitable distribution on the island of Tarakan (prone to be exploited)

3. Mineral Gol. C:
Consists of ;
1. Sand
2. Gravel
3. Land urug
Hill airport: + 5 million cubic meters
Other location: + 1,5 million cubic meters

Talk about Tarakan, Tarakan Blogger Community in cooperation with InfoKerjaKalTim performing a SEO Competition with the theme : Tourism SEO Sadau (Wisata SEO Sadau)

This competition, sponsored by Bisnis5online, which aims to introduce the city's tourism Tarakan.

For more information please visit the site: Bisnis5online or Tarakan Blogger Community

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